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SENSOR SHENZHEN 2025深圳国际传感器局应用技术展览会
2025-03-31 至 04-02
All kinds of sensors and related products: Motion sensor, acoustic sensor, pressure sensor, infrared sensor, gas sensor, image sensor, opticalsensor, RFlDs, biological sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, magnetic sensor, MEMs chip other:Aslc, control, communication, soft- ware, edge computing, algorithms, communication modules, cloud computing, etc
sensor R & D design, manufacturing process and packaging test
传感器应用:Al0T 技术、传感器融合、物联网、智慧家居、生物医疗、汽车电子、智能制造、智能机器人、可穿戴设备、能源与环境、智能安防、智慧 工厂等;
Applications: Al0T technology, sensor integration,l0T, smart home, biomedical, automotive electronics, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent robots, wearable devices, energy and environment, intelligent security, smart factories, etc;
工业控制:Rlsc/ARM 计算平台、工业存储、工业无线通信模块、工业主板、工业显示器、工业平板电脑、数据采集与控制、网关 / 远程智能终端、远程 l/0 模块、自动化控制器、工业路由器、工业网关、工业以太网交换机等;
lndustrial control: Rlsc/ARM computing platform, industrial storage, wireless communication module, industrial motherboard, industrial display, industrial tablet computer, data acquisition and control, gateway/remote intelligent terminal, remote l/0 module, automation control- ler, industrial router, industrial gateway, industrial Ethernet switch, etc;
测试测量:测试测量服务、测试测量仪器、测试测量工具 , 检测系统、视觉检测设备、厚度检测设备、红外测试设备等、高端精密机械与设备,分析仪器、 实验室仪器与设备、电子测试仪器与软件等;
Testing and measurement: testing and measurement services and instruments,tools; lnspection systems, visual inspection equipment, thick- ness detection equipment, infrared testing equipment, etc; High end precision machinery and equipment, analytical instruments, electronic testing instruments and software, etc;
嵌入式系统:嵌入式操作系统与工具、嵌入式硬件工程技术、McU 与嵌入式处理器、Rlsc-V 与开源硬件、嵌入式 Al、工业计算机及配件、电源与储能、 功率器件与第三代半导体、高性能连接器、嵌入式与物联网安全、机器视觉与智能系统、材料与服务等;
Embedded systems: embedded operating systems and tools, embedded hardware engineering technology, McU and embedded processors, Rlsc-V and open-source hardware, embedded Al, industrial computers and accessories, power and energy storage, power devices and third-generation semiconductors, connectors, loT security, machine vision and intelligent systems, materials and services, etc;
手机:13818928381(微信同号) E-mail:1105579589@qq.com
手机:13761661615(微信同号) E-mail:458375462@qq.com 电话:021-56177795