法国礼品展招商进行中,参展参观在线登记,展会主办单位将为“巴黎-亚洲礼品及家品展”进行一系列全方位宣传推广攻势,为展会带来*大的宣传效益,吸引目标买家前来参观采购。巴黎乃展览会之都,每年举行**过400项大小型贸易展会,其中多项为世界闻名的行业领先展会。“巴黎-亚洲产品展”的举行场馆-巴黎北维勒班展览中心(Paris Nord Villepinte)是欧洲*大展览中心之一,展馆毗邻巴黎 戴高乐国际机场和TGV火车站,邻近有12000间酒店房间,绝对方便和有利吸纳来自各地的买家。
In the course of the French gift exhibition, the exhibition will take part in the online registration. The exhibition organizers will carry out a series of full publicity and promotion campaigns for "Paris Asian Gifts and home products exhibition", which will bring the biggest publicity benefits to the exhibition and attract target buyers to visit and purchase. Paris is the capital of the exhibition. More than 400 large and small trade fairs are held each year, many of which are world renowned leading exhibitions. The Paris Nord Villepinte (Paris Nord Villepinte) is one of the largest exhibition centers in Europe. The pavilion is adjacent to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport and TGV railway station, adjacent to 12000 hotel rooms, which are absolutely convenient and advantageous to attract buyers from all over the world.