参展商, 5,500+展出品牌,同期逾20场专业会议及活动,到场
参观采购的买家预估达62,000人。 成都美博会将继续沿袭“4+1”模式,涉及专业线、日化线、医学整形、专业美发和国际品牌五大领域。CCBE成都美博会,UFI成员, Informa Markets旗下中国又一顶尖组展方;其以22年的专业服务力及行业影响力,被业界誉为中国西部**,中国第三大美妆展;成都占据中国西部核心地位,CCBE立足成都,辐射中国西部,每年春秋两届的行业盛会,已成为众多海内外企业开拓中国西部美妆市场的必选平台。
The 43rd (Spring) CCBE Chengdu American Fair will be held from April 16-18, 2020 at the Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center, with an exhibition scale of 80,000 square meters, 2,800 booths, 1,000 international and domestic exhibitors, 5,500 and more brands. Over the same period, more than 20 professional meetings and events were held, with an estimated 62,000 buyers visiting the site. Chengdu American Expo will continue to follow the "4-1" model, involving professional lines, daily line, medical plastic surgery, professional hairdressing and international brand five areas. CCBE Chengdu American Expo, UFI member, Informa Markets, another top group organizer in China, with 22 years of professional service and industry influence, by the industry as the first in western China, China's third largest beauty exhibition; Each year, the two annual spring and autumn industry event, has become a number of domestic and foreign enterprises to explore the beauty market in western China must be a platform.