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SENSOR SHENZHEN 2025深圳国际传感器局应用技术展览会


  • SENSOR SHENZHEN 2025深圳国际传感器局应用技术展览会
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展会时间:   2025/3/31至2025/4/2
展会地点:   深圳会展中心
  • SENSOR SHENZHEN 2025深圳国际传感器局应用技术展览会

    Shenzhen international Sensor Technology Expo 2025

    时间:2025年3月31-4月2日 March 31- April 2,2025
    地点:深圳会展中心(福田)Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center (Futian)

    展示面积 15000平方米 专业观众 20000+ 参展商 600+


    Sensor Shenzhen is striving to promote the new development of the industry by building afor ward-looking, authoritative and leading platform, so as to bring endless vitality to the whole
    sensor shenzhen 2024 0verview
    2024深圳国际传感器与应用技术展览会, 于4月14-16日在深圳会展中心(福田)盛大举行!作为传感器产业链的 盛大集会,本届sensorshenzhen聚集100余位国际传感巨头核心人物,1000余位国内传感器企业负责人,** 600家全球传感器产业链企业集体亮相,20+个重点技术展区,20+场专业技术应用论坛,集中呈现感知领域发 展新动能,新业态,吸引专业观众**11000位。
    The 2024 shenzhen lnternational sensor and Application Technology Exhibition has been held grandly from April 14th to 16th at the shenzhen convention and Exhibition center (Futian)! As a grand gathering of the sensor industry chain, this year's sensor shenzhen has gathered more than 100 core figures from interna- tional sensor giants, more than 1,000 heads of domestic sensor enterprises, and over 600 global sensor industry chain enterprises to make collective appearances. There are 20+key technology exhibition areas and 20+professional technology application forums, showcasing new driving forces and business formats in the field of perception, attracting over 11000 professional visitors.
    作为感知领域合作交流的窗口,深圳国际传感器与应用技术展览会国际化的水准,呈现传感器前沿动态,为产 业升级贡献发展力量,获得了展商、观众及众多与会嘉宾的高度评价。未来,我们将以此为目标,持续呈现产 业前瞻性、权威性、引领性观点,为全球感知领域贡献新信号、新力量。
    As a window for cooperation and exchange in the field of perception, the shenzhen lnternational sensor and Application Technology Exhibition has reached an international level, showcasing cutting-edge develop- ments in sensors and contributing to industrial upgrading. lt has received high praise from exhibitors, visitors, and numerous attending guests. ln the future, we will take this as our goal and continue to present forward-looking,authoritative, and leading perspectives in the industry, contributing new signals and forces to the global perception field.

  • SENSOR SHENZHEN 2025深圳国际传感器局应用技术展览会 展会日程


    SENSOR SHENZHEN 2025深圳国际传感器局应用技术展览会 展会费用

    国内参展商Domestic exhibitors::
    国外参展商International Exhibitors:
    Shell Scheme Booth:USD 3,000/9 SQM
    Space Only:USD 300/SQM (Min.18sqm)
  • SENSOR SHENZHEN 2025深圳国际传感器局应用技术展览会 参展范围

    各类传感器及相关产品:运动传感器、声学传感器、压力传感器、红外传感器、气体传感器、图像传感器、光学传感器、射频类传感器、生物传感器、温湿 度传感器、磁传感器、其他;Aslc、控制、通信、软件、边缘计算、算法、通讯模组、云计算等
    All kinds of sensors and related products: Motion sensor, acoustic sensor, pressure sensor, infrared sensor, gas sensor, image sensor, opticalsensor, RFlDs, biological sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, magnetic sensor, MEMs chip other:Aslc, control, communication, soft- ware, edge computing, algorithms, communication modules, cloud computing, etc
    sensor R & D design, manufacturing process and packaging test
    传感器应用:Al0T 技术、传感器融合、物联网、智慧家居、生物医疗、汽车电子、智能制造、智能机器人、可穿戴设备、能源与环境、智能安防、智慧 工厂等;
    Applications: Al0T technology, sensor integration,l0T, smart home, biomedical, automotive electronics, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent robots, wearable devices, energy and environment, intelligent security, smart factories, etc;
    工业控制:Rlsc/ARM 计算平台、工业存储、工业无线通信模块、工业主板、工业显示器、工业平板电脑、数据采集与控制、网关 / 远程智能终端、远程 l/0 模块、自动化控制器、工业路由器、工业网关、工业以太网交换机等;
    lndustrial control: Rlsc/ARM computing platform, industrial storage, wireless communication module, industrial motherboard, industrial display, industrial tablet computer, data acquisition and control, gateway/remote intelligent terminal, remote l/0 module, automation control- ler, industrial router, industrial gateway, industrial Ethernet switch, etc;
    测试测量:测试测量服务、测试测量仪器、测试测量工具 , 检测系统、视觉检测设备、厚度检测设备、红外测试设备等、高端精密机械与设备,分析仪器、 实验室仪器与设备、电子测试仪器与软件等;
    Testing and measurement: testing and measurement services and instruments,tools; lnspection systems, visual inspection equipment, thick- ness detection equipment, infrared testing equipment, etc; High end precision machinery and equipment, analytical instruments, electronic testing instruments and software, etc;
    嵌入式系统:嵌入式操作系统与工具、嵌入式硬件工程技术、McU 与嵌入式处理器、Rlsc-V 与开源硬件、嵌入式 Al、工业计算机及配件、电源与储能、 功率器件与第三代半导体、高性能连接器、嵌入式与物联网安全、机器视觉与智能系统、材料与服务等;
    Embedded systems: embedded operating systems and tools, embedded hardware engineering technology, McU and embedded processors, Rlsc-V and open-source hardware, embedded Al, industrial computers and accessories, power and energy storage, power devices and third-generation semiconductors, connectors, loT security, machine vision and intelligent systems, materials and services, etc;

    SENSOR SHENZHEN 2025深圳国际传感器局应用技术展览会 的相关主题

  • SENSOR SHENZHEN 2025深圳国际传感器局应用技术展览会

    手机:13818928381(微信同号) E-mail:1105579589@qq.com
    手机:13761661615(微信同号) E-mail:458375462@qq.com 电话:021-56177795


SENSOR SHENZHEN 2025深圳国际传感器局应用技术展览会 邀请函

发布者:kunhuiexpo  发布时间:2024/11/18 10:06:46   更新时间:2025/3/17 13:41:05
相关搜索: 传感器  
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